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The Lighthouse Counselling


Understanding and Conquering Stress-Driven Procrastination
You’ve probably heard the word procrastination, or know it as putting off doing something. Maybe you’re distracting yourself with other tasks, such as scrolling on your phone or watching something on the TV just because it’s on? Ever find yourself with so much to do that you don’t want to do any of it or […]
From overwhelmed to organised: Essential tips for managing a busy schedule
From overwhelmed to organised: Essential tips for managing a busy schedule So much to do? Constantly busy? Not enough hours in the day to do everything? This blog will help you with ideas to get you more organised.   I’m going to look at 5 tips to beat the stress of being busy. They don’t […]
#Ch ch ch ch ch changes#
Changes I hadn't planned I had already said no to new year new me for 2024 Yet, writing this at the end of January, there are things different about this year   A green road sign indicating changes ahead So Emily what ARE you on about? I'll let you know what's different and explain it […]
Coping with Christmas: Practical Tips for Managing Seasonal Stress
Coping with Christmas: Practical Tips for Managing Seasonal Stress We're nearing that time of year again. Yep, Christmas is coming. Or as Coca Cola sings every year, #"holidays are coming"#. Some people are really excited about it with decorations and their tree up already (writing this in November). Some people enjoy the rest they get […]
Why Stress – Part 1
Why have I chosen to focus upon helping people with stress? Well, firstly, have you ever known someone who has never felt stressed in their life? No, me neither. It's a common experience amongst us all. And, it's a good thing, because we need stress in our lives. Our brains and, in turn our bodies […]
Why The Lighthouse Counselling?
So why have I decided to call my counselling practice, The Lighthouse Counselling when I live 66 miles away from the nearest sea? I have personally been a fan of windmills and lighthouses for many years. I find them to be pretty and fascinating. They are usually standing tall seen from quite a distance and […]